2016-06-09 01:52:43 UTC
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A while back I fixed up some rust spots on stone kicks on my hood, and ended up repainting my whole hood to cover them up after grinding/puttying/priming. I got custom matching spray paint made and used that to paint to hood, and then covered it with two coats of clear coat (I used two since the first coat wasn't glossy and thought maybe the second would be). The guy at the auto store told me to use the following:

enter image description here

After it was all done, it looked like a matte finish rather than the glossy coat on the rest of my car. Since the can said "high gloss finish", you'd expect it to be glossy.

I got another can from the same company that says "Acrylic Enamel" instead of "Automotive Paint", since that's what the person at a different auto store said to get (she said to just sand it a bit and spray the enamel right on top). It also says "high gloss" on it. I've become a bit skeptical of the advice of auto store people, so before I spray that on top of the previous coat, I just wanted to check with the friendly folks on the internet to see if this will actually fix my problem.

Below are two pictures of what my hood looks like now, compared to the rest of the car. You can see that the reflective gloss is absent on the hood.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Here's a photo of the new stuff I want to use:

enter image description here

十一 答案:
Fred Wilson
2016-06-09 04:51:01 UTC
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2016-06-11 14:47:22 UTC
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Yes, the "color" coat(s) need to be wet-sanded aka "color sanded". And then thoroughly cleaned of sanding dust. This needs to be perfectly smooth before clear, even if it appears dull. The quality of a mirror, for instance, is not as dependent on the glass as much as the overall flatness of the silvering reflective coating or layer. I'm not a body guy, and I learned that expensive and laborious lesson too late from a real pro -- after experiencing much poorer results than the OP. I vowed not to attempt such foolishness again without guidance. Art and experience, not so much science. I was sure clear would make it perfect. It was worse. And black, the trickiest of all.

Silver is also finicky. One reason is the metal flake to make it silver will lay differently depending on the state of electrostatic charge. OEMs paint cars with all panels completely electrically grounded to minimize variation. But there still is some.

Also, there is just no way a Duplicolor rattle can is going to perfectly color match an expensive PPG or BASF (is that a VW?) factory formula at $300 a quart. UV ages paint as well, the color shifts, and the spray can has no way of knowing. Plus, no OEM uses enamel much anymore... they are much more sophisticated urthethanes and other polymers, which can't be shot out of a rattle can nozzle easily, and also contain isocyanates and other super-nasty solvents too toxic to be deemed available to public retail -- that might spray in their driveway next to the kids and dog without a respirator and a downdraft booth. (no offense to the OP intended-)

Also also, the OP set himself up with a difficult challenge. By painting only the hood, his paint job is laid directly adjacent to OEM paint on the flat top part of the fenders. That makes a very easy instant visual comparison, making the slight difference very obvious. Even a pro would probably not attempt that... while much more expensive, the fender tops would also be stripped, and the color coat blended to the outside fender edge where it rolls over to vertical. Any color difference or gloss difference would be obscured as the light angle is different. To the eyes and brain it would just seem like a shadow and dismissed. Take a look at the two OP results pictures and you'll see instantly what I mean.

And lastly, I honestly think it turned out very well. My attempt was in a clean, temperature controlled shop environment, with expensive paint, cleaners, and a huge amount of prep work. And it looked awful. Because I didn't color sand before clear.

2016-06-15 04:28:49 UTC
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Based on what Ben said (in a comment to my original question), I wet sanded it with 1500 grit, and then used a buffing/cutting compound (Meguiar's ultimate compound) and a LOT of elbow grease to buff it smooth. It still doesn't quite have the gloss of the original paint job, but definitely an improvement from before. It's noticeably less matte, and actually has some gloss to it now. It would have probably looked a little better (and more even) if I used an orbital buffer, but I didn't have one available.

As SteveRacer mentioned, it may also have looked better had I wet sanded it to smooth it out right after painting, but I didn't want to paint it all over again to find out.

The picture below shows my newer results.

enter image description here

2017-07-18 00:01:47 UTC
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如果您喜歡我,並且不聽任何人,只是想學習艱難的方法,計劃花大約100個小時。艱難的方法是最好的方法,只需要花費最長的時間。我現在對車身和打磨的基本知識了解得比僅僅遵循指示要好,這是可以的,因為我喜歡在汽車實驗中四處亂逛。它不是具有成本效益的。也許6罐可以使它真正變厚,所以您可以用螺母將其拋光以像完成一樣鏡面。留下了過多的噴塗物和果皮,而不是需要在800 1000 1200上打磨的部分,然後用羊毛墊將其切下來,再切割後再用泡沫墊去除漩渦。幾乎可以聽到所有這些,並節省了我最近30個小時的工作。

Quinn J
2018-05-08 03:01:29 UTC
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濕沙直到沒有光澤為止。 (在線查找砂紙沙礫指南,了解每個步驟)新塗料對光澤表面的粘附力不及對鈍面的粘附力。洗車。盡可能多地清除灰塵(即使在未塗漆的區域)。確認所有要噴塗的表面都變鈍。找到一個車庫並懸掛塑料片,以創建一個足夠大的盒子,以供您的車輛和您在其中工作。請確保將其完全密封。從沃爾瑪(Walmart)購買其中一個風扇,並安裝一個與風扇相同尺寸的房屋空氣過濾器。回到車庫裡的塑料薄板盒,在其上切一個大到足以將風扇盒固定的孔。嘗試將其高一點,而不要放在地板上。您可能會使用梯子來幫助保持風扇安裝狀態。用側面膠帶將風扇密封,以免洩漏。 (風扇的氣流方向需要向塑料盒內吹。將空氣過濾器綁在盒式風扇上,然後將其打開。現在,您應該有一個乾淨的臨時噴漆間進行噴塗。風扇保持正向氣流進入塑料盒和過濾網將盡可能地防止灰塵/蟲子進入,然後再將汽車拉入包裝箱,請使用花園軟管上的細霧設置濕潤空氣過濾器以及包裝箱內的塑料。不要弄濕天花板!您不想冒著水滴落到剛粉刷過的表面上的風險,待側面弄濕後,在地板上噴灑水霧。濕度將使您的油漆更好地流出,因為您的汽車噴霧器可以使油漆噴嘴距離優質噴槍不遠。







2016-06-10 23:57:18 UTC
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Sandpaper and Rubbing Compound

Once clear coat is applied you need to sand it with low grit wet and dry sand paper and then rub it out with low grit rubbing compound. This is how you will get it to shine.

You will want to get some of this sandpaper in 1000 to 3000 grit levels as well as some rubbing and polishing compound.

Start with 1000 grit sandpaper, you can use this with water to carry away the fine debris. Work your way to a finer and finer grit with the sandpaper. Follow this up with low grit rubbing compound. You can use moist towels and rags wit the rubbing compound to make a hard surface on the rag after repeatedly buffing. If you have a buffing wheel, this will go much faster. You will see the surface of the paint improve over time begin to shine.

2017-07-24 04:25:45 UTC
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躺在厚厚的濕外套上,重疊約60% 。跟進類似的第二層。您希望它的重量足以運行。


我的四輛車中,只有一輛貼有OEM橘皮。 (07凱雷德)
2018-01-27 03:13:42 UTC
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@SteveRacer也許我誤會了,但是這個答案似乎特別建議*反對*砂光。我用顏色打磨了SOS,效果很好。 (我還在連續的兩層之間打磨並擦亮了透明層,由於花了很多時間,所以希望能起到作用。)
@3Dave聽起來確實像,但是譴責不是針對顏色打磨,而是針對顏色打磨* Duplicolor撥浪鼓可以*噴塗作業。該產品可能設計得最好,*不帶*打磨,這是有意義的,因為消費級產品可能不會由DIY'er使用,因為DIY'er願意通過適當的步驟進行打沙和清除。最初的問題可能是期望從零件儲存的撥浪鼓罐開始,達到專業級的表面效果。正如這個答案所提到的,任何帶有金屬“薄片”的東西也是一個大問題。
Jason Arthur Taylor
2018-07-17 00:14:10 UTC
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主要問題是您不匹配OEM透明塗層的反射係數。它高於Dupli-color的保護性透明塗層面漆。您需要將Spray Max半光澤用於透明塗層。

色彩匹配技術已經確立。在這裡,您可以使用1k(即緩慢乾燥)的Duplicolor或其他用於底塗層的材料。 (如果您喜歡在周圍等待。)但是,要獲得透明的外套,您需要使用高科技的產品。 化學反應非常複雜。我猜測Spray Max擁有專利,因此它們擁有市場上最好的產品,但是為什麼並不重要。使用他們的2k產品,您可以匹配反射係數,這是您需要做的。

如果需要,可以下載 https://www.spraymax.com/fileadmin/ user_upload / Downloads / Produkte / Prospekte / 992466-SprayMax-Produktfolder_USA.pdf並轉到“透明外套”部分。它會說您有兩個選項,即遮罩和光澤,但實際上您有更多選擇。 Spray Max可能有高光澤,高光澤,半光澤,半啞光和啞光的透明塗料。正如我所說,我認為您想要的是半光澤的。 (光澤可能會太反射。)更具體地說,我想您想在60°測量角度下 680067半光澤透明塗料/(400毫升)36 +/- 2光澤單位。您無需打磨或多層。




順便說一句,這不是流行的建議,但我認為使用Sprax Max 2k實際不需要的只是一個圖層。它可能會粘附得足夠好,只有一層。這就是產品的優點。您甚至不需要打磨Dupli垃圾透明外套。




enter image description here


enter image description here



是的,就像@3Dave所說的那樣。我對SprayMax 2K不熟悉,但是我*相當*可以肯定大多數專業人士都喜歡彩色沙子。它們還從一個完美的平面開始,除了最輕微的缺陷之外,幾乎沒有任何缺陷。整個過程需要很多工作,而噴塗顏色僅佔人工的10%至20%。一切都準備就緒。我不同意某些特殊的產品魔術“清除”將在沒有適當的平坦基數的情況下取得很好的效果。特別是在金屬中,靜電荷可能會影響薄片的指向。不是玻璃能製造出一面好鏡子,而是“鍍銀”的平整度。
雖然可以在塗完一層顏色後再塗一層,但要設法使塗層乾燥得完全平坦(儘管不能用撥浪鼓來;您必須能夠在最終塗層中混入更多的尾部溶劑)-不是專業人士會做什麼。我要求進行色彩還原的PPG Performance Yella修復項目的價格約為每PINT 400美元。您無法將其分層以隱藏缺陷。而且,您*永遠*不會隱藏帶有更多塗料的魚眼或死蟲。您不能用母豬的耳朵製成絲綢錢包。您*可以*花費很多心血來製作皮革錢包。
Shnacky Schnackowitz
2017-11-22 23:50:50 UTC
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2018-04-24 08:38:57 UTC
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