2016-06-07 20:16:08 UTC
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Why does stopping and starting a car in heavy traffic burn more fuel than simply coasting on a highway at 55 mph?

十一 答案:
2016-06-07 20:35:59 UTC
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If you think about what the car is doing in both cases you'll see why you burn more fuel when accelerating.

General theory

F = mA (Force is equal to mass times acceleration), and in this case the force is applied by the engine. The more force, the more fuel is burned.


In stop and go traffic, you are making frequent stops, and accelerating from zero to some relativly low speed, like 30 MPH. Per the above equation, (F=mA) you must have a force in the direction you want to accelerate the mass of your car. But that's a net force. You have the force of the engine moving you forward, but you are being resisted by inertia, friction, and at some point even the air resists your attempt to accelerate. The engine must overcome all of these forces by applying a bigger one. More force is more gas burned.

Highway coasting

While coasting on the highway you are maintaining an acceleration of zero. So the net force applied is zero. So, you only have to match, not exceed like when accelerating, the forces of friction and aerodynamic drag. Less force, means less gas burned.

I hope that helps!

很有道理,就像您所說的,阻力大約是速度的平方,現在將手以80 ..的速度伸出窗外。現在成像的速度為3倍,即力為9倍。 。好多..
該公式為F = mA,質量基本上是恆定的,因為我們不會考慮燃燒燃料引起的質量變化。 OP提出了一個簡單的問題,我實際上是在努力不要使這個問題變得過於復雜。最重要的是,這就是我要說的:如果加速度為零,那麼唯一需要施加的力就是克服抵抗你的力。您不需要額外的力即可創建加速度。這不是關於最佳燃油經濟性的主張,因為運營商從未詢問過,這也不是一個非常極端的問題。
@SteveRacer +1,用於引用威龍。他們說它將以最快的速度在15分鐘內使用滿滿的燃油,但這不成問題,因為它會在12分鐘內磨損掉一套新輪胎。
2016-06-07 21:42:12 UTC
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2016-06-07 20:31:59 UTC
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Your engine is always burning gas when the car is running.

When you're stationary, you are burning gas to keep your engine running, without actually moving the car, so you're actual miles per gallon (MPG) at that moment is 0.

When you begin to accelerate, you are using more gas than when the car was idling, but then you have to press the brakes, essentially wasting the extra gas you just used to get up to speed.

Once you're up to speed and no longer accelerating on the highway, the engine is only using 20-40 horsepower to maintain that speed. When you're cruising at 60 mph you're covering mile a minute, so depending on the car, your relative fuel consumption is much higher.

The graph below displays the Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC - brake specific meaning the engine was mounted on a certain style of engine dyno, rather than in a car). The fuel consumption is measured in grams per kilowatt-hour (1 KWH = 1.34 horsepower). The maximum torque vs RPM (engine Revolutions Per Minute) is displayed at the top of the graph (black line w/ black dots). As you can see, least amount of fuel per KWH is used when THIS engine is running at 2-3k RPM, and outputting 80% of max torque.

Again, when cruising, you only need a fraction of your total horsepower. The engine rpm for most cars in top gear at highway speeds is usually 2500-3500 RPM, so even as your torque requirement goes down and you fall out of the optimum fuel efficiency range, when the value of the denominator (power needed to cruise at 60) decreases, as does the numerator (amount of fuel used).

enter image description here

如果您有關於BSFC的任何良好信息,則應添加此問題的答案。 http://mechanics.stackexchange.com/questions/28581/bsfc-brake-specific-fuel-consumption-how-is-this-a-beneficial-measurement
2016-06-08 04:46:10 UTC
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The most important aspect of the answer to this question is found in Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

This is the same reason that space shuttle use something like 90% of their fuel on take-off.

As cdunn went into, it's all about force (F). More fuel/s = more force/s.

The key to understanding it is that little snippet "unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

In the case of your example of a highway with ups and downs, gravity comes greatly into play. On the decline g becomes a positive force. To illustrate clearly I'll use extremes.

Say your decline is 90 degrees, or vertical. That means that g (10m/s^2) is added to the power of your engine. This is why vehicles have intentional methods of engine breaking and drag in various parts - so you don't just blast down hills.Conversely, when traveling back up this Gravity is now a negative force on your engine. So you either need to produce more force from the engine, or produce more force via inertia.

Extreme Example

Say the following is true:    motor output (Mo)= 250 HP or ~ 19,020 kg-m/s^2    curb weight (cw)= ~1800 kg    g = 10m/s^2 • cw = ~18,000 kg-m/s^2    friction = 0    surface resistance = 0Using -- t=(v-v0)/a -- we get the following.In this case nothing is in play exceptgravity and motor output. Whichmeans that in a dead fall you have ~37,020 m/s^2 for and in a vertical incline only ~1,020 m/s^2. So on the decline it only takes 0.00075 seconds for the car to reach100 km/h. Whereas on the incline, it takes 0.0272 seconds to reach the same speed.

While this may not look like much, you can see it's a huge difference.

True that attempting to maintain a constant speed where there are hills is not the most efficient (I cut how most cruise controls systems handle hills). But on flats it is. The trick with hills is to equalize your forces. Getting to a proper speed on a down hill will allow your inertia to carry your farther up hill without massive input from your motor.

But hills aside - you initial question is "why does stopping and starting in traffic burn more fuel." The answer to that is simply because of inertia. But! There are additional actors as well. For example, sitting stopped. Your motor is burning fuel and you are not traveling. So your not really getting 0 MPG, but more like -x MPG because it brings the overall MPG of your trip or count down to eventual 0 or even a negative ratio (e.g. 15 Gal./1 Mile).

Variables like wind resistance, drag, inefficiencies and gravity don't even really come into play until there flowing traffic.

2016-06-08 14:43:07 UTC
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2016-06-08 01:05:37 UTC
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Another way to view this is to visualise throttle opening.

When you're cruising, the pedal is held down to some position more than idle, but less than maximum

When you're taking off and accelerating, the pedal is pressed down further, which opens the butterfly valve allowing more fuel/air mixture into the engine.

Hence more fuel is used to accelerate than to cruise.

Yes I realise answer is fudging, modern cars, computers, injection etc - handwave and simply

Separately, idling uses fuel for no progress, which is why some cars shut off their engine at a dead stop. As a cyclist it sounds so strange at the green light, to hear three or four cars all turn over their engines at once.

2016-06-08 09:12:38 UTC
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Simple answer: fuel burn at cruising (at a steady 55 mph) is proportional to the friction (aerodynamic \ tire \ mechanical bearings). High transient driving (stop-and-go with conventional friction braking) energy consumption is significantly higher than energy burn due to steady-state friction. Hybrid electric braking is energy conservative and should be thought of as a special case.

Wear and tear on the engine / tires / brakes are also pronounced in cars that are driven in stop-and-go roads.

2016-06-08 15:02:25 UTC
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此外,通常,嘗試用電動機而不是製動器製動(如果安全允許的話),顯然,因此電動機將使用0燃料(而不是微小的怠速燃料) )。

Rob Grant
2016-06-08 21:43:48 UTC
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One reason is that fossil fuel engines are tuned to run most efficiently around 50-60mph, so any other speed will not deliver as much torque for the fuel being burned - that's why cruising speed is where it is.

Another, which I will focus on, is that regardless of what speed you travel at, every time you brake, you waste energy. Here's what it looks like if you accelerate and then take your foot off the accelerator:


Here's what it looks like if you hit the brakes:


And a comparison:

Comparison between coasting and braking

Thus any time you brake, you haven't gone as far as you could've - you've spent fuel up front in accelerating that could've taken you further. You now have to spend energy again to cover that distance.

Here's what that looks like in traffic - notice the accumulation of wasted energy:

Multiple braking

Verses the waste if you just brake once at the end:

Brake once

Incidentally, this is one problem hybrid cars address: when you hit the brakes, they use induction to recharge the battery, and there's less waste.

Steve Oakes
2016-06-09 04:33:00 UTC
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當我們考慮將其應用於汽車時,汽車會沿著平坦的平面滑行除非有力作用在表面上,否則表面將繼續以相同的速度運行。 (在此示例中,忽略了沿道路滾動的阻力和摩擦力。)






Trevor D
2016-06-08 23:15:08 UTC
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enter image description here

即使我接受這些數據,您的結論也是錯誤的。第一個示例在一個小時內行駛70英里,消耗2.333加侖。但是...在第二個示例中,相同距離的行駛需要4.666個小時,這意味著總消耗量為4.666加侖。 4.6> 2.3。在較慢的速度下,燃油效率大約降低了一半。

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